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Summary for presentation Saturday

Promiscuous Protocols

Matrix / Continuum:
    Centralized ... Federated ... Peer-to-peer

What communities are using/producing these protocols / systems?

"cypherspace" == you exchange "hashes" / algoirthms rather than "signals" / locations... metaphor of cindarella's slipper

It was good exercise to start together on the same local network...

Rather than attempting to hide / paper over idiosyncracies of technical protocols, protocols like SSB seem to embrace their nature.
For example: Network packets for many destinations typically flow over a network interface -- it's the job of the network stack to filter only those packets addressed to the particular host. When someone runs a "packet sniffer" they can exploit this fact to discover (say) any unencrypted data. SSB is based on a "gossip" protocol that in fact relies on the fact that messages are shared (between hosts that "follow" each other) so that messages between people often/typically travel via a third party.

Roadmap ( https://gitlab.com/staltz/manyverse/wikis/roadmap)

"The Flood" (when Lidia joined a public pub)
A pub allows you to connect to people outside your local network. There are public and private pubs.
As soon as you join a pub you start to fetch all the lists of contacts from that pub, it takes some minutes and it feels like a flood. Besides, people in your own local network also get a list of all the available channels within the pub that you joined.

Meeting on Manyverse
functionalities are still not working, e.g. no private messages
but interesting the Raw database option

Various Clients
- Patchwork (the deafult client)
- Patchfoo (should be the lightest client but none of us could install it)
- Patchbay (apparently you can share books and play chess)
- Manyverse (mobile client, not the most intuitive interface, however it seems to work fine. Available on F-Droid)
- Bonus: Cabal (light, minimal chat interface, with standard functionalities such as channels)
- Patchfox (plug-in for Firefox. To my knowledge, no one in our group tried it)

'Attitudes@' Pub
Installed using a Docker ima
Intimate space for people with an attitude

Forever indexing databases, clients that are a nightmare to install, visualizations that go wrong , often packages are themselves hosted in the SSB world

Possible Forks (Protecting the local network from the noisy and boisterous pub)
Because of its P2P nature, as soon as you connect to a pub your network becomes "exposed". 
Would it be a possibility to work on a fork of Patchwork that disables the possibility to connect to a pub? (Esbjorn) What other options are there?

Staying Connected
There needs to be a shared pub with one or more elements of the local network to remain connected to each other on the "outerspace", when the local network dissolves.

Assigning names to other users is public and permanent! https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork/issues/783

Further Reading/Listening/Exploring:

Notes from Friday

We talked about Dominic Tarr developer of Secure Shuttlebutt Protocol
who is interviewed in the in November 2018 by Arthur Falls of the podcast "The Third Web".


Sc u ttlebutt aka the Secure Shuttlebutt ( SSB ) protocol

Tarr desribes how he started experimenting with writing protocols based on early nodejs (version 0.2) that opened a space for "amateur systems programming" before itself becoming professional ized (and hip and corporate -friendly)
He cites the Amazon Dynamo paper (to find out about this)
questions of data replication
cypherspace -> based on algorithms =/= signals
cinderella slipper metaphor (hash key that doesn't tell you where to find it, but propagates through the network until it finds the right "foot")
P2P file sharing 
Gossip protocols

Software interfaces: 
    - https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork
    - http://git.scuttlebot.io/%25YAg1hicat%2B2GELjE2QJzDwlAWcx0ML%2B1sXEdsWwvdt8%3D.sha256 (patchfoo is apprently good for low resources computers)
The "pub" metaphor meaning when you decide to share, it's as in the example of sharing with a strange in a pub.
Pub Server ?  -> https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server/wiki/Pub-Servers - List of public servers you can join by pasting an invite code (which is shared)
"A pub is just like any other peer in the scuttlebutt network, that replicates feeds to other peers, except it also (generally):
    1. is always online
    2. has a public ip address
    3. offers invite codes"

Working Pub Server invite (butt.caasih.net) -> @QIlKZ8DMw9XpjpRZ96RBLpfkLnOUZSqamC6WMddGh3I=.ed25519 

There is a list of public pubs here:

J ogi has set up his own Scuttlebut Pub, ask him for invite!

These are invites to the scuttlebut pub called attitudes.  Each code can be used once, so copy it and delete it ;)


Introduction to the SSBC protocol

There is an androide mobile client called Manyverse https://www.manyver.se

Reading the Roadmap for the Manyverse app they are planning a lot of interesting features that would also affect the rest of the Scuttelbutt and Patchwork universe. Mostly optimizations to make it more usable on a mobile, faster initial sync and less resource usage while running. https://gitlab.com/staltz/manyverse/wikis/roadmap
- They also mention "Flagging a message" as a way for moderation, which probably will affect the rest of the scuttlebutt clients. 
- Also on the bigger horizon: non-destructive message editing

There are also many other Scuttlebutt Client Apps 

Cabal is another decentralized chat based written by Stephen Whitmore (@noffle) on other protocols.

BRIAR is another mesh based p2p android app for messaging and forums

TOX is also another open source p2p encrypted messaging app

Installing Patchfoo
turned out that Patchwork is a too resource intensive for my machine (probably because is based on Electron)
BUT Patchfoo is hosted on git ssb which means you need to follow this guide to be able to clone it: https://github.com/noffle/git-ssb-intro
had trouble installing scuttlebot
in the end i couldn't install  </3

Maybe this one is better?
(oh I see I think you followed it too)...
npm install ssb-server

way faster! minimal interface (did we ever get it to run?!)

Rebuilding your .ss b index
I had a bug with ssb database that made it impossible to start...
cd ~/.ssb
cd flume
mv log.offset ..
rm -rf *
mv ../log.offset .
Then start the ssb-server again and wait for it to rebuild everything.

Also testing Cabal:
An "experimental p2p community chat platform"

Other projects
Roel: Forban for folder syncing ... messaging protocol meshenger on github...: https://github.com/rscmbbng/meshenger
Also: Sarah Jamie Lewis: Queer Privacy https://archive.org/details/Sarah-Jamie-Lewis-Queer-Privacy
Redefine the typical "threat model" of software ... Queer Privacy as testimonials describing "threat models" that are arbitraty and banal and get overlooked by technology people. Briar? Software project. https://sarahjamielewis.com/

Workshop on IPFS at Varia: https://cryptpad.fr/slide/#/2/slide/view/OzHQQOb9ACOdBn9wyqWnqaanbr+A4was+iuqXEPWg94/